হাশেম আলী খানের জীবন ও রাজনীতি: ১৯১৪-১৯৩৬

হাশেম আলী খানের জীবন ও রাজনীতি:
ড. মোহাম্মদ আবদুল বাতেন চৌধুরী
সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, ইতিহাস বিভাগ, বরিশাল বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়


Abstract: The main  political strength of Hashem Ali Khan was the peasant class of Bengal. At the beginning of the 20th century, when the people of Bengal were disoriented by the exploitation of the British and the tyranny of the zamindar and money-lenders, like in other regions, the Krishak-Praja movement was formed under the leadership of Hashem Ali Khan in Barishal. His role is particularly notable in Barishal region for various anti-British movements like anti-Partition Movement, Non-cooperation Movement, Khilafat Movement, Satyagraha Movement and movement against Kulkathi massacre. He led various organizations including Bengal Congress, Muslim League, Khilafat Committee, and Krishak-Praja Party in Barishal for almost forty-eight years. As a member of the Bengal Provincial Legislature for about 12 years, Hashem Ali Khan participated in various legislation and debates. This article looks into and analyses the political activities of Hashem Ali Khan in Barishal District between the years 1914 to 1936.

Key Words: Hashem Ali Khan, Congress, Kulkathi Massacre, Barishal District Board.