গুরুচাঁদ ঠাকুর ও তাঁর শিক্ষা আন্দোলনের কয়েকটি দিক
গুরুচাঁদ ঠাকুর ও তাঁর শিক্ষা আন্দোলনের কয়েকটি দিক
খুরশিদ জাহান
প্রভাষক, ইতিহাস বিভাগ, বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান বিজ্ঞান ও প্রযুক্তি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, গোপালগঞ্জ
Abstract:Education is the basic right of every human being. By acquiring skills and knowledge through education people can establish themselves as productive members of society. For a long time the masses of the Indian sub-continent was deprived of the right to institutional education. Caste system was very strong in India, especially in Bengal. Only the upper caste Hindus enjoyed the right to education. The lower caste Hindus were deprived of that opportunity. In the latter half of the 19th century, Guruchand Thakur of Faridpur district (now Gopalganj district) made an effort to establish the right to education for the deprived. He ensured the right to education of the then large population of Bengal. In the present article the educational movement of Guruchand Thakur in Gopalganj and its adjoining areas will be discussed. Particular emphasis will be placed on how and among whom this movement spread. At the same time an attempt will be made to analyze the impact of this movement on society.
Key Words: Educational Movement, Cast System, Matua Community, Women Education..