মুণ্ডা, মাহাতো ও চৌদালীদের শিক্ষা সংগ্রাম

মুণ্ডা, মাহাতো ও চৌদালীদের শিক্ষা সংগ্রাম
ইদ্রিস আলী
প্রভাষক, ইতিহাস বিভাগ, সাতক্ষীরা সরকারি কলেজ


Abstract: The struggle of subalterns to obtain and education who live in Bangladesh's Southwest, near Satkhira and Khulna, such as the Munda, Mahato, and Choudali, will be looked at in this article. This article aims to demonstrate how these individuals have enhanced the educational system by overcoming a difficult stage in their lives. For the purpose of collecting data for this study, direct participation and observation methods were used. This analysis has shown that these three categories of people are effectively pursuing their own goals in conjunction with government and semi-government applied activities. 

Key Words: Sundarban, Coastal area, Mission, Janajati.