The Firebrand Era: Bold Moves of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association against British Oppression (1926-1930)

The Firebrand Era: Bold Moves of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association against British Oppression (1926-1930)
Lecturer, Department of Business Administration,
Daffodil International University
Abstract: This research examines the actions and influence of the Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) from 1926 to 1930, a pivotal era in the organization's history characterized by fervent anti-colonial resistance. The group established its foothold through several anti-British initiatives in multiple locations, including Shahjahanpur, Agra, Kolkata, Allahabad, Loknathpur, Jharkhand, Deoband, Baranasi and Punjab. The HSRA, recognized for its extreme approach to attaining Indian independence, participated in several prominent revolutionary endeavors to eradicate British governance through armed opposition and militant tactics. This study employs a blend of primary sources, including personal letters, revolutionary manifestos, and government documents, as well as secondary analyses from historical texts and scholarly interpretations, to comprehensively examine the HSRA’s operational tactics, organizational structure, and ideological evolution. An examination of prominent leaders within the HSRA, including Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev, elucidates their contributions to the organization's militant opposition to colonial subjugation. The study examines the HSRA's deliberate employment of propaganda and media to galvanize popular support and contest British authority. This article further examines the sociological and political ramifications of the HSRA's actions, including its impact on other nationalist groups and its lasting legacy in the struggle for Indian independence. It also elucidates the importance of the HSRA's contributions to the independence movement and reevaluate its role in the narrative of India's battle for freedom through a thorough investigation of the organization's actions and its historical context.
Key Words: Revolutionary, Association, Imprisonment, Conspiracy Case, Hunger Strike